1 01/04/2016 09:31
Link to /a/ archive changed today
3 04/04/2016 04:48
Fireden is more reliable, and has actually imported the stuff that is on hold at desustorage.
It's simply the better choice.
It's simply the better choice.
4 05/04/2016 00:24
5 10/04/2016 05:32
6 27/04/2016 11:14
Is it just me or b4k archive lag as fuck?
7 30/04/2016 10:39
All archives are laggy af. Either that or have missing posts and images everywhere.
All archives are laggy af. Either that or have missing posts and images everywhere.
8 01/05/2016 04:06
Perhaps we should go back to Fireden yet again because Desu is shitting itself again.
Feels like the last reliable archive was Foolz considering how all these alternatives burned out much faster than Woxxy did.
Perhaps we should go back to Fireden yet again because Desu is shitting itself again.
Feels like the last reliable archive was Foolz considering how all these alternatives burned out much faster than Woxxy did.
9 02/05/2016 06:32
Why the fuck it go back to desu? Fireden is way better for /a/ and /v/.
11 03/05/2016 19:14
fireden has the older posts, they're on a different subdomain, foolz.fireden.net archive is way more complete than desu.
fireden has the older posts, they're on a different subdomain, foolz.fireden.net archive is way more complete than desu.
12 23/07/2016 20:43
Fireden stopped archiving current threads on /a/. There seems to be a one day delay if you check the catalog mode on Fireden /a/ archive so threads from July 22 and before are now vieweable on the archive but no /a/ threads for July 23. However, if you tried viewing July 22 /a/ threads, yesterday, they weren't viewable.
Was this one day delay done on purpose by the Fireden admin?
Was this one day delay done on purpose by the Fireden admin?
14 24/07/2016 22:23
I wish you actually see the archive first before changing it. Desustorage is dead too.
16 25/07/2016 07:02
How about make the user decide their own archive? Maybe you can put it on the setting or something like that. This mean less work for you in the future.
17 10/09/2016 07:12
The entire database for Desu Archive has died today due to being corrupted and the Desu Archive Owner says he doesn't know when the restore from his backup will be done.
Could we switch the archive link for /a/ to be Fireden in the meantime?
Could we switch the archive link for /a/ to be Fireden in the meantime?
18 23/09/2016 08:11
DesuArchive is back. Fireden was okay as a temporary substitute but the 10 day delay when searching through the Fireden archive makes it difficult to catch up on missed threads compared to Desu. For example, Fireden archive only shows results from 10 days ago instead of today.
Could the link be changed back to Desustorage, instead?