Please make "Ordered by bump date" the default.
I personally prefer the way it is right now, you can change the way it is ordered to your liking using the reorder button there's Natural, Replies and Date.
The current default is Natural.
Once you choose one, it will remember that setting between boards.
You probably block cookies or browse in incognito.
As >>2 mentioned, your personal settings are remembered between sessions.
The default sorting mode is Date (Creation date).
The Reorder button can be somewhat misleading, it changes the sorting mode from the current one (in bold, on the left) to the one indicated on the button. It's not a Current order is xxx, click to change button.
I couldn't find any documentation on this - what exactly is natural'' order? For me, natural order is the order I'd see if I scrolled down page by page on 4chan, but for some reason, this is more like
Bump date'' on the catalog.
I don't understand why anyone would click on a board and want to see new threads with no responses first. It's stupid.
Most people who browse 4chan start with page 0, scroll down, and hit F5 when they get to the bottom of the page.
People only read OP's post when
1. The OP's pic is really eye-catching.
2. The thread has a lot of replies.
And only then do they click "Reply". That's how it's always been. People don't get excited and race to respond to new threads. That's not how it works. If you think otherwise, then that leads me to believe you're not on 4chan often enough.