Why not add /b/? I know that /b/ moves so fast that any catalog would be worthless within 5 minutes, but it would be interesting to see every single thread on /b/ for a minute in time, even if you won't be able to click any of them. My bad if asking for /b/ is forbidden, I looked at the available threads and didn't see anything.
Also, a /po/ catalog would be awesome. I know that it hardly moves to the point it might as well be a catalog, but being able to see every thread at once to avoid the "Korean" threads and other trolls would be awesome.
Yeah, the admin has said SFW boards only. And /vg/ is a new SFW board, so I think it should be added as well.
Maybe a "report NSFW" button to hide the thumbnail? Sounds abusable, though.
/vg/ archive is up: http://archive.foolz.us/vg/
Adding new boards should be added to the catalouge.