American Land Mooning

never happened. real men on the moon would suffocate from smelling shit they shat all over in their space suits, from immense fear. instead they behave like teenagers in an amusement park, and are pale at the "press" conference. also, just watch their "moon" videos in 2x speed.

why was it faked? russians had first satellite, first man in the cosmos, and were first in Berlin in WW2. Americans desperately needed some spiritual achievement, to larp superpower. without this faked land mooning the USA was on geopolitical stage only a money printing banker with big police stick.

russians of course didn't deny it, since USSR was created as and is a crypto colony, a vassal state larping sovereign geopolitical pole. hint: man with the botox in his face is not "Putin", he is CIA puppet. Russia just does "dirty" things on behalf of deep state, so cia and fbi look like angels.
The moon doesn't exist, it's all a jewish psyop.
hello, shill. didn't your parents tell you it's bad to deceive people?
space is fake
another shill. nasa is fake.

