You'll need a userscript for this.
I'll probably write one some time later this week.
Any updates?
So any updates?
Well, um, eh, I think you might have to wait another couple of weeks or so. But the wait will definitely be worth it.
True story!
How would you get this to work without GM_ functions on Chrome? You'd probably have to jump into gasp actual extension territory.
>>11 and aren't on the same origin, so there's no easy way to persist data between the two, like localStorage
, unsafeWindow or otherwise.
Actually, I can imagine a method using window.postMessage
and embedded iframes. Hmm, I might try this out.
window.postMessage and embedded iframes
That's what I was talking about.
Open iframes to /robots.txt and do the postMessage stuff.
Hot off the proverbial presses:
mienai: synchronized thread hiding
No 4chan-X yet, need to go to bed.
Is there a way to hide a thread on the catalog and it would automatically hide itself on 4chanx? Or hiding a thread on 4chanx and it would hide itself on the catalog?