1 25/12/2012 12:21
Add SexpCode support
2 27/12/2012 23:26
It's still as shitty as BBCode. What needs improvement is that Alt+Key
combination and only the superior Markdown allows you to format your text without having to type []
and {}
3 28/12/2012 01:31
Use the Shiichan defaults, then we can have true shit quality boards.
4 29/07/2013 01:31
What's the big deal. Seems just like a normal markup to me. What makes this special?
5 06/10/2014 19:54
#lang racket
(require json)
(require net/http-client)
(define (4chan-data board x)
([(status headers res)
(http-sendrecv "a.4cdn.org"
(string-append "/" board "/" x ".json"))]
[(json) (read-string 1048576 res)]
[(page) (string->jsexpr json)])
(define (4chan-data-page board n)
(4chan-data board (number->string n 10)))
(define (4chan-data-catalog board)
(4chan-data board "catalog"))
(define (4chan-thread-is-lisp-general? thread)
(and (hash-has-key? thread 'sub)
(regexp-match "Lisp General" (hash-ref thread 'sub)))
#lang racket
(require json)
(require net/http-client)
(define (4chan-data board x)
([(status headers res)
(http-sendrecv "a.4cdn.org"
(string-append "/" board "/" x ".json"))]
[(json) (read-string 1048576 res)]
[(page) (string->jsexpr json)])
(define (4chan-data-page board n)
(4chan-data board (number->string n 10)))
(define (4chan-data-catalog board)
(4chan-data board "catalog"))
(define (4chan-thread-is-lisp-general? thread)
(and (hash-has-key? thread 'sub)
(regexp-match "Lisp General" (hash-ref thread 'sub)))
Be the world first BBS to support the successor of BBCode: